Specializing in the Design and Restoration of Historic and Sacred Spaces
Est. 1963

Saint Michael's Church
St. Michael's Ukrainian Catholic Church was founded by Ukrainian immigrants who came to the United States of America from the Northern Carpathian Mountains of Ukraine. The architecture of the church is based upon traditional Ukrainian wooden churches found throughout the Carpathian region and features an octagonal plan and three domes.
Our studio was commissioned to design, execute and install original stained glass windows on the clerestory level of the church. There are thirty windows in total consisting of sixteen different designs depicting religious symbols. The original compositions are designed using only the finest hand-blown colored glass and combining techniques of leaded glass, copper foil, painting and sandblasting.
![]() Tryzub: Coat of Arms of UkraineAlthough the Tryzub wasn't officially adopted as Ukraine's Coat of Arms until the 20th century, strong historical precedents of the symbol have been found in seals of Volodymyr the Great and Yaroslav the Wise, as well as in stonework and tiles of historical Cathedrals, churches and palaces |
![]() The PhoenixA mythical creature, the Phoenix is believed to set itself on fire when old only resurrect in victory from the ashes three days later. It has been used in Christianity as a symbol of the resurrection and redemptive power of Christ and eternal life in Heaven. |
![]() The SeraphimIn Christianity, the Seraphim occupy the highest rank in celestial hierarchy. In the Book of Isaiah, the Seraphim are described as possessing six wings each: two to fly, two to cover their feet and two to cover their faces. They are seated at the side of the throne as ministering servants in the Heavenly Court. |
![]() Feeding of the Five ThousandThe Feeding of the Five Thousand refers to the only miracle written about in all four Gospels. When Christ heard of John the Baptist, he retreated to a remote place only to be followed by multitudes of people. Instead of sending them away, he was able to feed the crowd of five thousand with two fish and five loaves of bread. |
![]() St.Michael's SymbolThe Patron Saint of the church, the Archangel Michael is depicted holding a sword, which symbolizes the power of justness as revealed in the light of Christ, and the Scales of Balance, symbolizing justice and equanimity. |
![]() The PelicanThe Pelican is a symbol of Christ the Redeemer, who suffered and died for us to grant us eternal life. It is believed that the pelican sliced open its own breast to feed its young with its own blood. In Christianity, this symbol is also referred to as Pelican-in-her-Piety. |
![]() Coat of Arms: Archbishop SheptytskyBorn in 1865, Archbishop Andrij Sheptytsky lived a life of heroic virtue. He is credited with saving the lives of hundreds of Jewish people during the Second World War by hiding them on his property and monasteries. |
![]() Chi Rho ChristogramThe Chi Rho Symbol, one of the earliest Christograms, is comprised of the first two letters in the Greek word Christos, meaning Christ. Alpha and Omega symbolize Christ as the beginning and end of all things. |
![]() The Fish and AnchorThis composition features a combination of two ancient Christian symbols; the Anchor and Fish. The anchor symbolizes hope in Christ. The fish is an often-used symbol for Christ, with many references in both scripture and history. |
![]() Dedication of Kyivan-Rus' to BVMUkrainian princes, kings, cossacks, and hetmans chose the Mother of God as their patroness and protectress. This design depicts the Blessed Virgin Mary as a Lily with the traditional outstretched orarion, or veil, above Ukraine- symbolized by Yaroslav the Wise's Trident. |
![]() The ShipThe symbol of the ship is an ancient one. Early Christians used it as a symbol of the Church, cast out into an ocean of doubt, disbelief and persecution but always with the promise of safe harbor. It is believed to derive from Noah's Arc or Christ's calming of the storm. |
![]() Ornamental CrossThe cross is the most widely used symbol in Christianity. It is used to symbolize the religion of Christianity as well as to represent and memorialize Christ's death. The Greek cross, meaning a cross with arms of equal length, is believed to be the most ancient cross. |
![]() Coat of Arms: Bishop Emeritus LostenBishop Emeritus Losten is a Bishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is currently a Bishop Emeritus of the Ukrainian Catholic Church is Stamford, CT. |
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![]() The Seven SealsIn the Book of Revelation, John of Patmos has a vision of a scroll with seven seals, which can only be opened by Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. The breaking of each seal is met with a judgment or apocalyptic event, illustrated in the stained glass panel by the stormy clouds and lightning. |
![]() The Holy EucharistThe use of wheat and grapes to symbolize the Holy Eucharist dates back to early Christianity. The wheat symbolizes the Bread of life, Jesus Christ, who sacrificed Himself for us. The grapes symbolize the new covenant we have in His blood, which was shed for the forgiveness of sins. |
![]() Descent of the Holy SpiritAs described in the Gospel of Luke, the Holy spirit descended upon the Apostles on the 50th day after Christ's Resurrection, appearing as tongues of fire. As these tongues rested on the heads of the Apostles, they were filled with the Holy Spirit. The holy day is also known as the Pentecost within the Church. |
![]() Instruments of the PassionThe symbol of the Instruments of the Passion of Christ in iconography dates back to the 9th century. In this design, the instruments depicted include the cross on which Christ was crucified, the Titulus Crucis (INRI), the nails with which He was nailed to the cross, the Holy Lance with which He was pierced, the reed placed in His hand in mockery and the shroud with which they wrapped His body. |